It’s that time of year. Allergy season. Some call it spring, but so far spring hasn’t properly sprung around here. So, therefore, it’s just allergy season. Vehicles are coated with pollen. Our deck has a nice yellow-green tint to it. The pollen is everywhere. And, our area just happens to have one of the highest pollen counts in the country, or so we’re told. Bring on the Claritin. 😉 Fortunately, it’s also such a beautiful time of year. The trees and flowers are all a’bloom, the birds are singing, the bees are busy buzzing around – new life is springing up everywhere. What a blessed reminder of God’s grace. To come through the coldness of winter into the fullness of spring is amazing. When I look out our windows now I see so much green where just a couple of weeks ago there was brown. I’m just in awe of God’s creation. Especially when spring is beginning to spring. Yea, it’s allergy season and with that comes congestion, sniffles and sneezes, but it’s worth it. To look around and see everything just perked up with life again is amazing. So, pass the Kleenex and thank God for being made anew!
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[…] I posted Pollen, Pollen…Everywhere last week, I just thought the pollen was everywhere. Oh mercy, it is literally ALL over EVERYWHERE […]
My car was COVERED this morning. I had to use the wipers just to see!