I just love this photo that I took on our beach trip and I wanted to share it.
When I look at this photo, the chorus to Ten Shekel Shirt’s song “Ocean” come to mind.
Something about the ocean
Makes me rise up and praise
Something about the heavens
Makes me stand in awe again
Something about the sunrise
Reminds me of Your faithfulness
Something about the ocean
And I’m lost in love again
Isn’t that chorus just so true? To me, there is something about the ocean that makes my soul just feel the presence of God. I’m at a loss to describe exactly how I feel that connectivity, but I always do. Maybe it’s that the ocean is so vast and wondrous. Or, perhaps it’s the tranquility of the tide with the depth of the unknown just beneath the surface. Or maybe it’s just knowing that God created something so incredibly diverse, amazing and mysterious. Like I said, I can’t put words to it, but every time I am near the ocean, my soul feels a unique connection to God. And, it’s beautiful to me.
That’s a gorgeous pic Kelly! I know what you mean about the connection you feel to God when you stand on the shoreline. The ocean always reminds me of God’s Majesty!