Good morning!
I wan’t sure if I would post about this on my blog because it’s such a personal prayer request and this blog is public. But, then it occured to me that God’s people everywhere can be connected in prayer. So, I am posting today to ask for prayers for our Macey.
Back in May, Macey was spending a week with my mom. While they were playing one day, Mom noticed a knot on Macey’s neck. She alerted me to it and we decided to have it checked out by the pediatrician. I didn’t want to alarm Macey, so I didn’t make a special appointment to check out the knot since her check-up was due in July anyway. When we saw the pediatrician in July, she examined the knot and told us that her guess would be a cyst (which is quite common), but that she wanted to have an ultrasound performed to get a better look. So, last week we went for the ultrasound appointment. The pediatrician’s office called to let us know that Macey’s thyroid is fine and that the ultrasound detected a 1cm mass that they believed to be a benign cyst. So, her pediatrician recommended that we see a surgeon for a consultation. I got on the phone immediately and got an appointment for that consultation. The appointment is this morning at 11AM (EST).
We have a real peace about all of this. Neither Mickey not I have really gotten scared or otherwise freaked out by this. Apparently this type of cyst is common in children. It hasn’t changed in size since it was discovered and it doesn’t hurt Macey, so those facts are reassuring. Also assuring is the ultrasound result that it is likely a benign cyst. Still, we are seeing the surgeon today to determine if it should be removed. Mickey and I want to do what is best for our daughter, so we pray for discernment as to her medical treatment. We don’t want her to have to have surgery, but if it’s for the best, that is what we will do.
So, I’m asking for prayer today. For continued excellent health for Macey, for the mass to be benign in certainty, for continued peace and for guidance in making the right decisions. I will update this afternoon.
Hey… I passed this on to Kibbie and the Prayer Team. We are here for you and your family!!!