It’s been awhile since I have posted. I hate to be so far behind on my blog. I have book reviews and other posts just waiting for me. But, I have been SO busy with life in general. I’m on the Parents Council for preschool this year and that has been busy, but fun. Macey has her after school activities and we have church activities, etc. But, I am hoping that once we settle into routine now that both schools (elementary and preschool) are in session I can find my blog groove again. I miss it.
Macey’s surgery is tomorrow, September 5th, at 10:25AM (EST).
The surgery will be done atat a local childrens hospital where I used to work several years ago. Macey got to visit there yesterday. She saw a Child Life Specialist (CLS), who talked her through things and gave us a tour of day surgery. Macey was extremely shy around the CLS, but was absolutely taken by the toy/game room they had there. She barely talked to the CLS, but she talked about her new friend to me all evening and even madeĀ a poster to take in for the CLS on Friday. The hospital has been renovated and new buildings have been built since I worked there years ago. It is SO nice!! I took Macey to the gift shop after we met with the CLS and let’s just say that the gift shop was a HUGE hit!! While she is in surgery tomorrow, we plan to go down and get balloons to have for her when she wakes up.
Besides the time, here is what we know about tomorrow:
- The surgeon has already told us the surgery will last about an hour.
- Child Life Specialist (CLS) told me yesterday that Macey will get the “loopy juice” (a pre-sedative drink with the drug Versed) and will go back for anesthesia without us. She will go to a recovery room post-op,but will be brought to us in a room as soon as she wakes up. She said that most kids have no memory of being in recovery.
- We’ll be in a room with Macey for at least two hours post-op to make sure she wakes up well, gets rehydrated, etc. Pending any complications, we’ll be home in the afternoon. If any complications are present (unlikely per the surgeon), she’ll be admitted for observation.
So, that’s what’ going on here, at least the biggie. Prayers for our family and especially our sweet Macey are much appreciated. Mickey and I have a real peace about all of this and we trust that God has this all in His hands. The butterflies in our stomaches are fluttering, but we have every faith that Macey will come through this with flying colors.
Thinking about ya’ll tomorrow, Kel. Please update us as soon as she is out.
Love you.
Thank you so much, Melanie.
Love, Kel
Thinking ya’ll this morning!