I got tagged by Wife and Mommy to write seven random things about myself. Once I do this, I get to tag some of you. So, here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.
Here is my list, in random order:
I love sleeping in a room that is cool/cold so that I can get under a mound of blankets and snuggle in all warm. That’s some good sleeping for me!
I try to keep the eggs “balanced” in the egg carton. It drives me batty when the eggs aren’t in the just right.
I have an intense dislike for celery. Can’t stand the stuff. And, guaranteed, if there is even one eensy piece in a whole dish of something, I’ll be the one that gets it.
I don’t like having water on my face. When I shower, wash my face, swim, etc. I have to dry my face immediately. Water sitting there just really irkes me.
I would LOVE to compete on The Amazing Race some day. Mickey and I are forever talking strategy when we watch that show. We haven’t ever entered, but we should. We would love to give it a try.
One of my favorite foods in the entire world is cornbread dressing, but I am intimidated by trying to make it myself. My Gran and my mom makes the best dressing and I always beg them to make it for me. I really SHOULD learn though.
I can pinch with my toes.
How’s THAT for random?! Now, I get to tag some of you out there. Here goes – consider yourself tagged if you are linked: Emily, Jawan, Merri, Renee, Shannon and anyone else that wants to.
Girl, DH and I talk about being on the Amazing Race as well! Wouldn’t that be fun??
I’m it? Ok, here goes:
1. I type very fast.
2. I burp very loud.
3. I cry very quietly.
4. I scream very often.
5. I eat very much.
6. I work out very seldom.
7. I laugh very hard.
8. I love very deep.
9. I sing because I’m very happy.
10. I sleep very little.
Wait, I was typing so fast that my fingers got ahead of my thoughts. I was only supposed to list seven things, right?
Gosh, I’m so vain (that would be #11).