This morning I have been thinking a lot about the outcome of our Presidential election. I expected that I would be disappointed if McCain didn’t win because he was the candidate our family had chosen to support. I will say that I am somewhat disappointed that he didn’t win, but I am a far cry from “devestated” or upset about it. There would be no point in letting an election affect my life to THAT degree, in my opinion. I decided a long time ago that whichever man won this race would get my full support. I stand by that and will fully support President-Elect Barack Obama. I will pray for him and hope that he leads our nation with Christian character, upstanding morals and unfailing integrity. I believe he will do that. He has a whole nation to answer to, not to mention the God he also serves. I believe him to have a true heart and a desire to work hard for this nation. I would like to see us all unite in support of him because he has some challenges ahead and he NEEDS prayers and support as he goes forward.
Despite “my” guy not winning, I will say that it feels pretty cool to be living in this historic moment. Our first “non-white” President has been elected. That’s HUGE. Really huge. I have never been really sure that we’d see that in my lifetime and we have. That excites me. That shows progress from a nation that was once so racially torn. I’m all for unification on the racial front. After all, we’re ALL God’s children. He designed and created every race, every individual in His own image. We should embrace and appreciate His work in people. 1 Samuel 16:7 has a passage that states this better than I ever could. It says this: “…The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” Amen!!
I encourage all of us to really put our prayerful support behind Barack Obama and the other leaders of our nation. A change is coming and we can pray it to be change for good. I won’t go into this whole “God bless America” business either because I don’t believe in my heart that God will bless a nation that doesn’t turn to Him prayerfully and faithfully. I think that has to be first. I will pray that God guides America and that our leaders turn to Him for guidance, wisdom, courage and discernment. I hope we will all do that. Let’s move forward with hope and trust. Let’s pray this through, shall we?
I’m with you, sister!
Thanks, Sandy. I believe in supporting our leaders. And, you know, God knew this outcome before we did. I take comfort in that too.
Great post Kelly, and I’m with you sister!
Traci – I told you we think a lot alike, right? No wonder God crossed our paths!! 🙂