I couldn’t think of much to post on today, so I am drawing from a “meme” that was recently passed around Facebook. These are 25 random things about me in random order, of course.
1. In general, I am admittedly not very good at keeping up with housework. However, one “chore” I actually like is ironing clothes. I am known to iron all of our things including the girls’ clothes. I just like the way ironed clothes look
2. I really REALLY like coffee. A lot. I like mine with Splenda and skim milk. Sometimes I buy flavored creamers and that’s a nice treat. Coffee = GOOD!!
3. As long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader. I always loved standardized test weeks at school because that meant I could bring books with me and have a chance to read during the day. Love reading!
4. I read the first “Twilight” book and found that I was pretty ambivalent about it. I don’t get the hype. It’s just not for me.
5. I love to listen to “Car Talk” on Public Radio. I only listen to it maybe three or four times a year, but that is one great show.
6. I have a deficiency when it comes to keeping up with socks, especially the girls’ socks. I am known to keep “sock boxes” that my sweet mother-in-law goes through and matches up for us when she visits. I don’t know why, but matching up socks and keeping them together is not something I do well.
7. I almost never know exactly where my cell phone is unless I am out of the house. Around the house, I just use the land-line, so I don’t really NEED to know where my cell is.
8. I recently stopped biting my fingernails after 30+ years of biting them. I hope I can keep this up. Nail biting is gross.
9. I have such a deep hope that my girls will always be close to one another. They are so blessed to have each other and I pray they will always value that. I know they will have their “moments”, but I really hope that more than anything they always appreciate their blessings in each other.
10. Teaching preschool is one of the most fun jobs I have ever done. Right now I just fill-in as a sub on occasion, but it’s so much fun.
11. I played clarinet from 6th until 12th grade. I put it down after I graduated high school and I really wish I hadn’t. I sometimes consider buying one to see if I could reteach myself to play.
12. I really want to be a runner. I have never built up endurance for running because I give up pretty easily due to my lungs feeling like they were going to pop. But, if I could just stick with it, I bet I would like it.
13. Sometimes I like to dress the girls in matching outfits. It’s not a regular occurrence, but it IS fun and adorable. They like it too.
14. After Mickey and I got married, it took me almost a year go get to the Social Security office to officially change my name. We were living in AL at that time, so the lines weren’t as long as they were in metro Atlanta. I kept my middle and maiden names and added our last name to the end of my name.
15. I am so grateful that our God is a gracious God. I have made some mistakes that I never want to think about again, let alone mention, and He loves me enough to forgive me. Without that grace, I’d be sunk.
16. Speaking of mistakes, I’m glad I could learn from the ones I made. I believe that even though sometimes the paths I chose in life were not the best ones, ultimately they got me where I am today and I am grateful for THAT.
17. I rarely ride roller coasters. It’s not because I’m afraid of speed (I’m not) or going upside down (again, I’m not), it’s that I cannot stand that feeling my stomach gets when going downhill quickly. That almost nauseated feeling. Not good.
18. Lately I have been feeling REALLY nostalgic about how quickly the girls are growing up. I always heard that time goes faster when you have kids and that is SO true. I look at them and cannot believe how they grow and change right before our eyes. We’re so blessed to have them!
19. Before Mickey and I even said our first “I love you”, I was pretty sure he was “the one” because he had all the virtues and character I had always dreamed of in a husband. I really didn’t know that kind of man was out there, but he was. Praise God!
20. I am SUCH a pack rat. I have trouble getting rid of stuff, especially kids clothing. I really need someone to come in and overhaul our house because someone with no emotional attachment could get rid of more stuff than I ever could.
21. I maintained an online journal for about seven years. Only recently decided to give that up and it was not an easy decision to make. I just felt like it was consuming too much of my time and I know I need to prioritize my time better.
22. I found out recently that I can still touch my toes. Barely, but I can do it. I think I need to get into Yoga (maybe via Wii Fit) to maintain and increase my flexibility while I still have some left.
23. I would get my hair “done” every day of my life if I could. I love having my hair dried, brushed and styled by someone else. It feels great & it always looks better when the pros do it.
24. I used to keep up with all the current music, across the genres. Well, these days, I couldn’t possibly name even ONE song on top-40. I know new Contemporary Christian songs, but otherwise stick to classic rock, 80s/90s rock and country.
25. I am blessed beyond belief. Truly truly.
I’m with you on #17…and alot of others actually. No surprise there though.
I didn’t realize you had given up the journal. I was wondering.
coming in to check up on you. had no idea you quit blogging. so you’ll be on FB for good?
well, if you get the urge.. buy some new reeds and come give my old clarinet a try…it’s gathering dust in my closet. ;).
I am training to run a 5k. I have run a 10k before but I am out of shape and getting back. If you would like a partner… I am here for ya.
I didn’t realize you’d given up on the journal completely.
#17, most definitely! eek!