Macey is just getting over a bout with “the crud.” Last week she didn’t feel well and the pediatrician diagnosed her with an ear infection and sinus infection. She missed two days of school and just felt terrible. Well, instead of getting better once she was on medication, she progressively got worse. Both ears were infected and her sinuses were a mess. Fortunately her pediatrician called in another prescription and that did the trick for her. (Well, PRAYER and meds are what did it for her, honestly…) This week she has felt so much better. She is back to herself again. YAY!! However…
Now Mariana is sick. I was holding off on taking her to the ped in hopes that she was just experiencing allergy symptoms (so many trees and flowers are blooming here already), but yesterday she was very laid back and by afternoon she was crying with her ears and “mouth” (back of her throat). So, off to the ped we went. Turns out that both of Mariana’s ears are infected. She had ear tubes put in back in January ’08, but the one in the left ear has already come out. So, this is her first post-tube infection in the left ear. Unfortunately it’s about her third infection this year in the right ear. Her sinuses are also congested and she’s had a fever. So, now she’s on medication plus ear drops. She had kind of a rough night last night as well. She’s having trouble breathing around all the congestion. Poor kid. Fortunately she has done pretty well this morning. We kept her home from preschool so that she has time to recouperate. Looks like a return visit to the ENT may be in order, but MAYBE these ear infections are just a random occurrence and she’ll be fine going forward. We hope and pray.
Seems like a lot of “crud” is going around, especially amongst kids. Guess it’s that time of the year. We give our girls multi-vitamins and these gummies each day:
We also need to pump up their antioxidants. Good thing Mariana loves blueberries. Now we need to find something that Macey loves that much. Anything to keep these girls healthy!
Come on, Spring!!
Is it sad that I take vitamins C gummies everyday? They’re so good!