I am making a real effort to post in my blog daily. Lately I have been posting in the mornings. Well, this morning was busy and I never got to it. Then the afternoon went by quickly. I also met with the mom and bride for the wedding reception I’m shooting this weekend. After that was our Wednesday night supper at the church. THEN we had to get the girls home, bathed and into bed. Finally, it was time for me to do my Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout and WHEW! I’m spent! But, it was a great day! It started out cool and gray, but after lunch the sun came out and things just perked up beautifully.
So, speaking of the Boot Camp work-out, let me just say that I was as unmotivated as could be on Monday. I only did level 1 (instead of 1 and 2 like I should have) and I even gave that the least amount of real effort I could get away with giving. I was tired, etc. Tonight, I made up for it. I have moved up to using two 5lb hand weights for level one. (I started with none, moved up to two 2-pound weights and now I’m up to the fives.) For Level 2, I have been using the 2-pound hand weights, but haven’t had a medicine ball to use on that level yet. Well, today my new 4-pound medicine ball came from Amazon, so I got to use it. That was a great addition to the work-out. I can tell that it really added more dimension to it. I worked hard tonight and I feel great for having done that. Tired, but great. Pretty soon I’m going to take a bath with lavender epsom salt so that my muscles get a nice treat too!
In big news around our house – Mariana is rocking the house with potty-training. She is doing SO SO well! She has gone to preschool both Monday and today and come home in the same outfit she went to school wearing. In other words, no accidents. Yay!! She’s so proud of herself too! She is a tad potty obessed and sometimes likes to go repeatedly just out of the whole newness of it, but that’s okay – at least she’s going. WOO HOO!
Okay, I hear that bath calling my name. 😉 G’night…
You go girl. I still haven’t gotten back on the wagon.
Get back on that wagon, girl! It feels good! Well, okay, during the work-out NOT SO MUCH, but the accomplishment feels good. 😉
Yay on the weight-work-out and getting on the Potty Train. 🙂
Thanks, L!! 😀 Long time, no see. How have you been?