It’s early release day for our public schools. That means Miss Macey will be coming home early today. Yay!! Actually, I plan to pick her up even before the regular release time so that we can have lunch together as a family. On early release days, they still feed the students lunch, only they move up the lunch times so that every grade gets to eat before leaving. Macey’s class normally eats at 12:53, but today they will go to lunch at 11:32. After a half hour for lunch, they go back to their classroom and have about 20 minutes before packing up to leave for the day. So, Macey won’t miss much (if anything) at school by leaving a bit early AND she’ll get to have lunch with her family. What a treat!
Speaking of treats – Macey had two pretty amazing treats yesterday courtesy of her daddy. First he was “mystery reader” in her classroom yesterday morning. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall because Mickey told me all about how excited she was that he was there!! He read a Veggie Tales alphabet book first. Then, because it was Dr. Seuss’ birthday, he read The Foot Book which Macey and her teacher picked out for him to read. He and Macey have been reading that book together for a long time, so that was really cool. As if having Daddy be mystery reader wasn’t enough, Macey got another surprise when Mickey went to have lunch with her at school yesterday. He said he tried to stay hidden so she wouldn’t see him when she came into the cafeteria, but she spotted him right away and practically hopped all the way over to him. She was THRILLED that he was there. Yesterday was not only her favorite school lunch (cheese stuffed bread sticks – yum), but she also got to have a lunch date with her Daddy. What a day!! In true Macey form, she said the only thing that was not good about it was that some kids might be sad that their daddies didn’t get to come to school two times. What a sweet, compassionate child she is!! The girl has such a big heart.
I took Mariana back to the pediatrician’s office yesterday. I had scheduled an appointment to see one of the pediatricians at our practice that is most familiar with her, but he was running way behind and we opted to see a nurse practitioner instead of waiting. The short version of the story is that it took some doing, but I got the NP to listen to my “mama’s intuition” about changing Mariana’s medication. She was on an antibiotic that is penicillin based and it didn’t seem to be helping her. I requested a change. I know the seriousness of antibiotics and I know not to “fool around” with them, certainly. When one is not working and the symptoms are worsening, it’s time to reevaluate. So, we did. We changed her meds and she is doing much better today, on the whole. Praise God!! Mariana is seeing her ENT next week and hopefully we can come to a good plan to help her get well and stay well. Fortunately, I have to say that this winter has been far and away better than last, so that is a HUGE praise. Maybe we can get her on the right track and keep it that way.
After taking a day off to rest on Sunday, I got back on my work-out schedule last night. This is my last week on the first level of Biggest Loser Boot Camp. Need I say again that this is a GREAT work out?! Whew! It works up quite a sweat and has me out of breath in points, but I love it.
I have a ton of fresh strawberries and need something to do with some of them. The girls are eating them like crazy, which is great, but I don’t want any to go bad. I was thinking of looking for a good bread recipe. Any other ideas? Please share if you have any recipes using fresh strawberries. Preferably something that keeps nicely.
Happy Tuesday,
I do a fruit pie. Just simmer them for just a bit and add about 1/4 cup of sucanat then about 2 T of flour or corn starch. Stir enough to get everything incorporated then pour in a pie shell and bake up until it is set and the pie crust is browned. Eat with some whip cream!!!
I also LOVE fresh strawberries on chocolate desserts, especially super rich ones….but that probably won’t be too helpful with your exercise program. 😉
What on earth is sucanat?? A sugar substitute?
No a less processed, unrefined sugar.
Oh, cool!! Where do you buy it? Regular grocery store? Use and measure just like sugar?
I have been reading more on stevia. I have some packets of Truvia. I’m not convinced yet.