I am smiling as I read the title of my post. I got that saying from my Uncle Lawrence years ago. We used to go on an annual camping trip every summer as a family. My mom, brother and I went along with my grandparents (mom’s parents) and her brother, Uncle Lawrence. Lawrence was always one of those late to bed, late to rise people. As kids, my brother Charlie and I didn’t exactly sleep late. So, on these camping trips we’d already be up and at ’em for awhile before Lawrence would crawl out of bed. He’d get up, come to the camper door and say “Good mornin’, Mornin’!” every morning. That stuck with me all these years. I’m still known to say it myself. What better way to start the day than to greet the morning, right?! 😀
It’s a chilly morning here today. Only about 36 outside right now. Brrrr!! It’s supposed to get into the mid-60s today, so I wish that would hurry up. It’s so weird to me to dress the girls in spring clothes for school and then cover those clothes up with a coat or sweater. It’s cool in the mornings and warm by the afternoons. Of course, I do love that spring is springing, but I’m always glad when the warmer weather settles in for a nice long stay.
I am “on call” for jury duty this week. I thought I was going in this morning, but I read my summons last night and there was a number to call after 6pm the evening before reporting. So, we called and my number wasn’t one that had to report this morning. I am to call every evening after 6pm this week to see if I am selected to come in for jury selection. It really worked out for the best that I wasn’t selected to come in this morning. Mariana is doing better, but still not on the top of her game. Plus, Macey’s Character Education winner lunch is today. Two very good and valid reasons for me to be home today, I’d say.
I mentioned over the weekend that I was going to do some much-needed clothes shopping. Well, I did, but it was almost a bust. Clothes shopping isn’t as fun for me as it used to be. I must be at some weird stage because certain sizes are too small, but then the next size up is too big. Weird. Anyway, that has motivated me to keep working out and also work on eating better to lose some weight. Please wish me luck. I really want to drop some pounds, but also firm up and get in better shape. Not just for a wardrobe, but that is a nice incentive.
I did, however, find some CUTE spring and summer items for the girls while I was shopping. That’s always easy and fun! I just have to remember to put the brakes on at some point when shopping for them. Go figure. 😉
Please PLEASE keepBaby Stellanand his family in your prayers.