I have seen MckMama’s Not Me Monday entries before, but have previously never done one of my own. Well, that changes today. Here is my first edition of Not Me! Monday…
Today I did not just about lose my mind when I discovered (via Macey telling me frantically) that Mariana had dumped a lot of fish food into Macey’s betta fish’s tank. I did not feel the top of my head hinging on like a boiling teapot as I knew I was going to have to clean that tank again. I just cleaned the darn thing last week. And, I did not wait the allotted amount of time before putting the fish back in the tank. (Okay, the part? It’s true. I didn’t. He lived.)
Early today I did not feed Mariana slices of deli turkey and a cookie and call it lunch because we were pressed for time after a doctor visit. Not me.
I also didn’t buy a package of mini Moon Pies and eat one on the way home from the grocery store today because I was starving. And, I certainly didn’t eat another one after I finished my sensible Smart One for lunch. Who would do THAT?! Not me.
I didn’t pull up beside a police car today and hope that he wouldn’t get behind me and see that our tags need to be replaced. EEP!! (We’re late. Mickey’s working on it. Diligently, I might add.)
And, I know I didn’t just make three mini loaves of banana nut bread knowing I’m trying to watch what I eat these days. That could NOT have been me.
So, what didn’t YOU do lately?! 😀
great not me monday Im glad the police didnt get behind you.
I would also like to invite you to take part in my new post called Tell a joke Tuesday. you can either tell a joke or a funny story that has happend to you or a friend ths week. it has mr linky so the world can view your joke or story. I hope you will take part