How many times do we say “Praise the Lord” and never really think THAT much about the phrase itself? I know I’m guilty of it from time to time. There’s a parking spot near the door at Target? Praise the Lord. We already got Macey signed up for summer dance camp? Praise the Lord. Mickey gets to come home early today? Praise the Lord. If I don’t say it out loud, I still think it many times a day. But, do I really praise Him? Or, am I repeating a phrase I’m used to repeating? Makes me stop and think, really. I should give pause and actually give Him the praise. God is the fount of all good things. Why am I not praising Him more? That is the question.
Today’s post is actually inspired by another Kelly who blogs over at Kelly’s Korner. (BTW, if you get a chance to check out her blog – please do. It’s a great one!) Yesterday she posted an entry called Let’s Give Him Some Praise and that really got me thinking. As Kelly mentioned, it seems like you don’t have to look far to see sadness, struggle, adversity and trials going on in people’s lives. It would be so easy sometimes to get bogged down in the negative and forget all the positives God has laid out for us. But, His perfect provision is everywhere. Even in the things we take for granted like running water, homes that are heated and cooled via climate control, food on our table, clothes to wear, etc. God’s goodness can be found in everything from the tiniest detail to the most amazing miracle we’ve ever seen or heard. So, today I am going to list some praises. By no means is this list complete, but it’s a start at least. And, it’s also a reminder to me to praise Him more. Because He deserves all our praise, really.
PRAISE: I am married to a strong Christian man who loves and values his family beyond words. Mickey is the kind of husband who makes me feel beautiful because of his love. He cherishes me and I feel that every day. He also loves our girls so much and is an amazing daddy to them.
PRAISE: We both come from loving families that are always there for us. We don’t live all that close to any given member of our family, but we know in our hearts that if we ever needed family, someone would be here as soon as they could get here.
PRAISE: We are blessed to have two beautiful, sweet, caring and incredible little girls. They are healthy, smart, strong and full of life & love.
PRAISE: We have a place to call home. Our house may not be the biggest, fanciest, best decorated or even the tidiest there ever was, but it’s home and we are grateful for that. We love our home. We feel so blessed to finally have a house that we can envision our family in for years to come.
PRAISE: Our church is home to us. It’s not just a place to go on Sunday mornings. Mickey goes there to work and enjoys it tremendously. Mariana attends preschool at our church. I volunteer. Both girls enjoy Sunday School and are already looking forward to VBS. Our church family has surrounded us with love and friendship that we value so much. It’s a blessing to be there every time we walk through the doors.
PRAISE: We have some really great friends. Some we’ve known for years, some we’ve met recently and some that we even met online. Such relationships bless our hearts and lives tremendously.
PRAISE: It’s spring and that is such a time of renewal and hope. When the weather warms up, we can get outside and enjoy. Soak up the warm rays of sunshine and have a ball. It’s a great time of year!
PRAISE: I am extremely blessed to get to be home with our girls. It’s a dream come true for me. I am so grateful and need to always remember to be thankful.
PRAISE: I get to enjoy some of my very favorite things like warm chocolate chip cookies, morning coffee made by Mickey, an occasional pedicure, date nights with Mickey, strawberry limeades with extra strawberries from Sonic (whenever we are near one), Chic-fil-A biscuits, shopping, baking cookies for others just because I know they like them, receiving email and occasionally a card in the mailbox, listening to good music and singing along in the security of the van, read great books, have friends over to hang out with us, grill out, watch my favorite tv shows via TIVO so I can skip commercials, dream of being on the Amazing Race with Mickey, jump on the trampoline with the girls, shop, buy pretty things for the girls, catch up with friends on Facebook (now on hold ’til Easter since it’s Lent) and so much more!
PRAISE: Mariana is doing so well with potty-training. I’m telling everyone, this is a PRAISE!! We’re almost a diaper free household. That is sort of bittersweet, but mostly pretty exciting!
PRAISE: I have opportunities to practice my photography which I really enjoy. I’m super excited to have a chance to shoot a wedding reception this weekend. Then I get to shoot the wedding of some of our very good friends in May. Such a joy!
PRAISE: Macey is reading all the time and loving it! Can’t help but hope both girls will be book worms like me.
PRAISE: Several of our friends are expecting babies. We are so excited for them!
PRAISE: My friend Dana and I are going to see Kate Gosselin speak on Friday. I am SO excited about this!!
My life is so full of blessings. Our family is blessed beyond measure. PRAISE THE LORD!! There have been times when I have been guilty of not seeing these blessings and neglecting to be thankful for what I did have in the face of what I felt I didn’t have. I should be faithful enough to praise God EVERY day because every day is a blessing. Even though there will be struggles and trials in this life, the hope of my heart would be that I would be found to be faithful in the midst of it all.
I look forward to reading the Kingsbury book; thank you so much for sharing! Also, I’m so envious……I LOVE the Gosselin family! Tell Kate “Hi” for me! Haha!
I’m about halfway through the book so if I get half a chance to finish it this weekend, I will. {{wink}} I’ll send it in as soon as I can.
I can’t wait to hear Kate speak tonight. I’m so excited!! If I see her, I’ll tell her Mary says HI. Of course!! 😉