Coffee with Kel

Update on Mariana…

Mariana’s surgery was this morning. I am happy to report that she has been home since around 12:45pm (EST) today and is really doing quite well.

Mariana was such a little trooper today. Seriously, a rock star patient! She couldn’t eat anything this morning and she only had a little bit of apple juice prior to 7am. She had one teary moment at home about it this morning, but that was all. She didn’t cry or fuss or anything after that. Once we got to the surgery center at around 8:30am, she entertained herself with toys in the waiting area and then watched DVDs in the surgery prep room. A couple of times she said she was hungry, but we reminded her that the doctor said no food and she was fine with that. She was just so calm! When I took her back for the anesthesia, she didn’t even cry. I had talked to her and told her they were going to put a mask with sleepy medicine in it and then they would fix up her ears once she went to sleep. So, when I laid her on the table, I held onto her and she didn’t even shed a tear. She drifted off so peacefully. I am absolutely SURE that part was a thousand times more difficult for me than her.

Her surgery took about half an hour. The ENT came out and told us that everything went well. He cleaned out around her left ear tube which was still in place. He replaced the right tube. He also removed her adenoids and said they were “huge.” We had to wait about 15 more minutes and then an RN came to get us to come to her recovery room. Mariana was VERY upset and frantic when we got to her. It was heartbreaking. I mean, imagine being an almost-thre year old who goes to sleep in one place with mommy there while feeling good and then waking up feeling weird and yucky in another place with strangers. No wonder she was crying. It took awhile once I got her, but she finally settled down. However, all the little medical things they had going on with her set her back a few times. She’d settle a bit and then notice she had a pulse-oxymeter on her finger and that would upset her. So, off it came. Then she settled down again and noticed the red light on her toe (another pulse-ox), so that had to go. The final straw for her was getting the IV out of her arm. I had to talk to her for awhile so that the last of her IV fluids, but when that finally came out she was reasonably happy. Once the IV was out, the RN checked her vitals and we were clear to go home. They had given Mariana a popsicle about 15 minutes or so prior to us leaving, but she only wanted to hold it and not eat it. Well, when we got her in the van, she was ready to it it. And, she enjoyed it!

On the way home, we stopped and got Mariana a Chick-Fil-A strawberry milkshake. She ate several bites of it with a spoon. When we got home, she and I laid down to nap. She was sleep just about the time her head hit the pillow.  Her ENT said she may snore for awhile during her healing time and, sure enough, she did. WOAH. But, she rested for a good two hours which was well needed. When we got up, she was a touch cranky, but rebounded nicely after a popsicle and then a yogurt. She has also eaten a Fruit Roll Up and is working on an Italian ice. Yes, that’s a lot of sweet stuff, but most of it is cold stuff that feels good to her throat. Doctor’s orders. Our sweet friend Amy C. and her family are making supper for us tonight, so that is really sweet. Maybe Mariana will finally feel like eating “real” food.

Hopefully the next few days will see our little girl bounce right back. She really has been amazing about everything.  Thank you all for the prayers. Please know how much they are appreciated. I drew so much comfort today in praying and in knowing we had support from so many that care for us and our family.


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