Happy Thursday!
- Macey’s class gets to participate in a Sock Hop today at PE. The school collected donations recently for a local food bank and so much food was collected that the students are getting rewarded with a sock hop. Sounds like a fun day in PE to me. 🙂 Macey wanted to wear her poodle skirt, but it’s too small for her now. So, she’s in button-up white shirt, rolled up jeans and white socks. Her hair is in a ponytail with a pink “scarf” hanging down. Entirely too cute for words!
- Can I just say that it is SOOOOOOOOO nice to have our hot water back. Oh my word. It’s incredible! We take it for granted every day and it is fantastic to have that luxury back again. We had a little scare last night because when we got home from church supper, the pilot light was out again. Ack!! We called the plumbing company and the dispatcher tried to find someone to come right out, but no one was available. So, we set up a service call for first thing this morning. Well, Mickey went down to try to relight the pilot himself and it worked. It’s still working. YAY!!! Hopefully that little outage last night was a fluke.
- We are supposed to get the results back from our ceiling lab work today. PLEASE pray with us that there is no asbestos. This house was built in the mid-80s, so there is a slight likelihood that asbestos could be present, but we hope and pray that it’s NOT!!
- The girls have portrait appointments first thing Monday morning. I am SOOOO excited about this! Now I have to decide what they are going to wear. Decisions, decisions!
- We are supposed to get rain again today. This is the most rainy spring that I can recall in quite awhile. Not complaining, of course. Everything is SO green. Water levels up are up too. I just hope that this doesn’t trigger irresponsibility in people for them to waste water just because. I mean, honestly, lawns do not NEED irrigation when it rains four out of seven days in a week when the weather is mild. We’ve been under drought conditions here for SO long that it’s nice to have a reprieve.
- I should get going. Mariana is ready to change clothes for the first time today. It won’t be the last, I’m sure.
- Please continue to pray for sweet Stellan and his precious family!
Sounds good girl! Will cross fingers on the test! Miss u on FB is it Easter yet??
Renee – Am I even going to recognize FB when I come back?! I signed on this past Sunday to approve friend requests. I noticed it was different and that my status about Lent had been deleted. So, i had to repost a new status. Change?! ACK! 😉