- Good morning!
- Well, there are is some good news to report from our home front this morning. The leaky pipe in our basement is fixed. YAHOO!! The plumber finally got here three hours after he said he would yesterday, but at least he got here and got the leak properly fixed at last. That’s great news!
- In not so great news, the water heater is still having major issues. The pilot won’t light and stay lit. Mickey has tried and tried and TRIED, to no avail. He called the manufacturer of the water heater this morning and they said that they wouldn’t come out to look at it, wouldn’t touch it, etc. given the situation. Okay then. So, we called a local company and they are coming out this morning to have a look at it to see if it can be repaired. Maybe it can. This water heater was just purchased in December, so it’s not old at all. We would hate to replace it, but it may come down to that. If it does, well, it does. We’ll see what the day reveals. We’ll do what we have to do.
- We were all able to get warm baths this morning, so that was nice. REALLY nice! Required a lot of water being heated on the stove and hauling it upstairs via buckets and big pots. Hey, whatever works, right? 😉 Oh, it was sooooo nice to get that bath this morning. I felt absolutely amazing after that and still do.
- Decided to keep Mariana home from preschool today. She is doing pretty well on the whole after her surgery on Friday, but I am thinking another couple of days at home would be good for her. She is still pretty tired and not quite back to 100%, so less is more for now. Her class is having their Easter party and egg hunt on Friday, so we really hope she can return for that.
- Next week is spring break for both girls. We are probably going to head down to my mom’s for several days and be there through Easter. That should be fun! We’ll get to visit family and have fun hanging out down in South GA.
- I haven’t been working out lately for a variety of reasons. I really miss it and I know I really NEED it, so I hope to get back on that very soon. Maybe tonight. I need to get back to Boot Camp. Stat!
- I have gotten the nicest emails from the mother-of-the-bride from the wedding reception I photographed a couple of weekends ago. She is a preschool teacher at our church and is one of the sweetest people I know. They are absolutely thrilled with the photos and the DVD from the reception. Yay! That makes me so happy!
- Remember, PLEASE, to keep Stellan and family in your prayers.
- Hope everyone has a beautiful day today!
Kel, we just had the exact same issue with our hot water heater. We had an HVAC guy come out and he said that the triggers for the pilot light were messed up (I don’t even know what this means!), and once those were fixed, the pilot light will stay on. Everything has been fine since then – Sunday. Good luck!
Wow. Lots of stuff going on. I’d really push for the manufacturer to replace that hot water heater….three months is bogus for them not to replace it, if it is broke.
Marie – I’m so sorry y’all went through a similar issue recently, but thank you for sharing and giving a glimmer of hope. It would be great if it could be fixed!!
Christi – Warranty won’t cover it because it wasn’t anything within the water heater that caused this malfunction. It was because the water from the leaking pipe got to it, we think. We don’t have a leg to stand on as far as warranty, I believe.
hey, and you need to check out my friend Cara’s blog today. It’ll make you smile.
Christi – Thanks, girl! I always love new blogs, especially inspirational ones! 😀