I have really been struggling over how to write this post that has been on my heart for quite some time now. It’s an issue that really moves me and I want to make sure that anything I say comes across in the way my heart feels it and the way God has laid it on me to share. So, my prayer is that when you read these words you know that they are directly from my own heart and that I feel that God has given me purpose and a call to write them. I just hope I can come up with the right ways to say the things I feel lead and called to say. Bear with me, please.
Recently someone close to me that I love very much became involved in an interracial relationship. At this point the relationship is still pretty new and we all know how that goes – there is much to be discovered, much to learn about each other, etc. There is already a huge hurdle to this new relationship and that is something that is weighing heavily on the person I am close to which has been on my heart as well. The hurdle is that she is worried, with cause, that her family and friends won’t be accepting of this relationship. Without knowing the person with whom she is involved, automatic red flags will go up simply because he is of another race. This really hurts my heart. It hurts me because I just don’t believe for one second that it’s right to judge anyone, especially because of their race. It hurts me because I don’t believe it’s of God to feel that way about other people and races. And it hurts me because if this is a person that can truly make my loved one happy and truly love her, then there should be no hurdles, no qualms and no misgivings. I keep thinking about this over and over, so I have felt compelled to write it out here.
I have had racial issues on my heart for a pretty long time. I think this is because I grew up in rural South Georgia where, frankly, racism does exist. It is not one-sided nor is it right, but it exists. This truly bothers me. It bothers me because I know in my heart that God created all of mankind in His own image. And ,who are we to feel that we are greater than anyone else simply because of skin color? Who has the right to act superior to another based on race? No one. God Himself is not white. Jesus did not come to this earth as a white man. These are facts. Jesus was a middle Eastern man. He was certainly not a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tall, tanned and ruggedly handsome white man. This is one way that I know that God does not elevate nor value the causasian race above any other. God made us all, therefore I know that He loves us all. He does not differentiate His love whatsoever. There is not a heaven for every race. Heaven is a place for all children of God which includes every person of every race who accepts Christ to receive the gift of eternal life. So, who are we to deem ourselves higher than God? To say that we cannot accept someone as a friend or even a potential future family member because they are of a different race seems to me to be against God. God’s family is huge and it’s diverse and it’s beautiful. He didn’t make a mistake when He created races. He made various races on purpose and He loves each of us as His own. If we truly have the love of God in our own hearts and souls, how can we not do the same? How can we look with disdain or distrust or dislike (dare I even say hatred, at times) on someone of another race? If we are of God, we are to love as God loves and that is without boundaries and most certainly without the prejudices of this sinful world in our hearts. We cannot know or extend the love of God if we cannot love all of His people. That’s my belief. In John 13 verse 34 -35(NIV) reads – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” The very Word of God instructs us to love one another as Christ has loved us. This doesn’t say white people love white people, black people love black people, etc. This simply and completely says LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Period. No boundaries, no defined parameters whatsoever – just to love. If we are to truly love as God has called us to love through Christ, we must be color-blind, without prejudice of any kind and willing to accept God’s own family as our own.
First John also covers the way that God loves us and wants us to love one another. Verses 7-12 (NIV) read: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. What believer can read these words and deny that God has called us to love all mankind? We aren’t just to love the ones that look like us. We aren’t only to love the ones that act just like us. We are called to love one another and that is the simple truth. God is love. To know His love is to live in Him. To live in Him fully is to extend His love. This is a theme that resonates over and over in God’s Word. He hasn’t called us to love according to this world, but according to His Word. And, I believe that with all my heart. I believe God has put a calling on me to reach out and try to show that His love is without limits. God, in essence, is color blind. He doesn’t love anyone because of race. God loves the hearts and souls of His people. Hearts and souls that, quite frankly, are all darkened by nature of sin, but only made pure by the very blood of Christ. None of us are without sin and none of us deserve God’s love in the slightest. But, by His unwaivering goodness and grace, He gives love and forgiveness to all who receive Him. To truly believe and live in Him is to not only receive that love, but to pass it on to every person without exception.
I am not here to sit in judgment of anyone. I just feel this heavy on my heart because, as I said, I feel like God has called me to be compassionate about this in my life. I am ashamed to say that I used to have some issues with prejudice in my own heart. I am ashamed of that, I have repented and I have most certainly changed my feelings and my ways. This happened a long time ago and my heart has been uplifted since then. And, I have had a burden to share with others that God’s love knows no boundaries, so therefore ours should not either.
As for this new relationship, I am in full support of my loved one. I feel blessed to have the family and home life that Mickey and I share and that is what I wish for the person I care about so much. If this new person brings that joy, that happiness, that peace and that love then that is a prayer that will be answered. If their relationship is right with God then I hope and pray that no one here on this earth tries to stand in their way. I hope that hearts will be changed and eyes will be opened so that these obstacles are removed from them. My prayer and hope is that God’s love works on all of our hearts so that we can not only experience it for ourselves, but pass it along.
I may have more to say on this at another time as it really is something I care deeply about and feel moved to share. In the meantime, I hope my words have revealed God and brought glory to Him. It’s not about me. It never will be. I only want to serve Him and be His vessel.
YOU are a beautiful child of God! How eloquently you share your own thoughts and feelings, but also God’s message. The beauty of God’s grace is that it is unconditional; He loves us not for WHO we are but WHOSE we are! As I’ve grown older (and hopefully, a little wiser), my thoughts on the whole “relationship” thing has changed considerably. I believe that God has a purpose for each of us, and if we are willing to “be still and wait”, He will reveal that purpose and in the process reveal to us that piece that includes those with whom we are to be in relationship. God bless you, Kelly, for your courage and support of your loved one. If this relationship is part of God’s plan for these two, then who are we to pass judgment? I am so blessed that you have become part of my life……
I know this was hard to share. Thanks for putting it “out there”.
Hi Kelly-
AMEN! To everything you posted. I’m proud of you for sharing your heart so bravely.
I’m anxious to talk to you soon! 🙂