WOO HOO! It’s Saturday!! We love Saturdays around here because those are typically family days. Today is no exception. This morning Mickey has already been out for a run at the river and now we’re all hanging out at home for awhile. Okay, we’re not “just” hanging out, we’re also tidying up around home. As soon as it warms up a bit (it’s only 71 right now), we are going to take the girls to the pool for awhile. Should be a lot of fun!
This evening is a big event for Mickey and the girls. It’s the Father/Daughter dance at our church and this year it’s a Sock Hop! The girls have their poodle skirts, tees and scarves all ready to wear. Mickey is going to sport a white tee, rolled up jeans and cool sneakers. I can’t wait to see my precious family all dolled up. Our friends Dave and Christie have been working so hard to get all this done and today they are going to be going non-stop, pretty much, to make it all happen. They are awesome, y’all. Just awesome! (And we thank them so much! Hopefully they will let us bring them lunch today.) The girls are just thrilled and can’t wait for the dance. I’ll be there taking candid photos, so I’m pretty excited too. Bring on the sock hop!!
Happy Saturday, everyone!
did you get any good pics with all three of yours? I just saw the girls….and they were adorable!