Ugh. I need my motivation back because it’s missing. Motivation for weight-loss, that is. A couple of summers ago, I finally got my act together, did Weight Watchers and lost over 25 pounds. I was so proud of myself. I felt great in so many ways. Well, gradually, most of that weight has found its way back to my body. I haven’t gained it all back, but I have put on probably 15 pounds of it. YUCK! Several weeks ago, I started using Spark People to track my calories each day. That was working beautifully for me. I went out of town, got off rhythm and now I’m in a not-so-good rut again. Tonight I had to try on swim suits at TJ Maxx and absolutely know that I must get my motivation back and get this weight off. I really MUST!! I can’t stand having wiggly-jiggly body parts and it just pains me go up in sizes. So, I believe that tomorrow morning I’ll get back to counting my calories with Spark People for a start. My friend Terri and I are talking about doing the Couch to 5k program, so hopefully we can start that very soon too. I can admit that part of why I want to lose weight is a vanity issue. But, seriously, a really large part of it is that I want to set a good healthy example for my girls. I don’t ever want them to think that yo-yo dieting is the way to go. I’d rather all of us develop and maintain healthy habits for life. So, here I go. Yes, I’m starting again and that’s sort of like a yo-yo, but maybe this bathing suit season will remind me enough that it’s worth it to maintain and not let it go. Please…wish me luck.
Thanks for the post about Spark People. I am going to check it out. I just posted about wanting to loose 15 lbs, so know that you are not alone. I will think of you in your weight lose journey as I am on mine. We will look good in our bathingsuits again soon. Good luck, you can do it!!
You could come over and do WiiFit with me! Seriously, we could encourage (a.k.a. laugh at) each other! Could be fun! Think about it!
Natalie – My user name over on Spark People is “mrsmickmel” if you want to join me over there. I have a “Spark Page” and can add friends. Maybe we can encourage one another.
Mary – OOH!! That’s a great idea. I think we should go for it. You are way further along than me, I’m sure, but I’m willing. Hey, I saw Jon today and got to talk to him for a couple of minutes. Seems like he is doing great!!!
Been missing you on Spark. I have about 4 more pounds to shed before Tx. Gotta get that abs video in from Netflix to aid in my gross belly area!!!
YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!! I’ve seen you smoke it off before….get to it!
Kel, I’m doing WW right now and loving it. It’s my fifth time and I keep going back after each kid is born ’cause I know it works. If WW didn’t have the etools, I’d sign up for Spark People real fast. I’ll email you occasionally and let you know how I’m doing.
Jawan – I love WW too. I would do it now except that, well, Spark People is free. 😉 The concepts are very similar though.
Let’s please encourage each other. I think that would be great!! If you need my email address, let me know. 🙂
Christi – Thanks for your encouragement. I need THAT and accountability. Stay on me, Friend!!
Good for you and getting back on track! I am doing the same thing, I have finally decided to get my self in shape! I will be rooting for you!
You did it before, and I know you can do it again!!