I haven’t meant to leave my blog “unattended” for several days. I meant to post to say that we were going on vacation, but with all the travel prep and last-minute’ing I had going on last week, I just forgot.
So, yes, we did go on vacation and it was WONDERFUL. We went to Nashville, TN for a couple of days then to Chattanooga, TN for a couple of days. We had sooooo much fun! We are home now and we are all tired, but it’s the good kind of tired. You know, the kind of tired you can only get from having a lot of fun. This was our first family vacation and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I will post a proper update with pictures VERY soon. In the meantime, it’s off to catch up on laundry. EEP.
Hope all is well all around,
loved the snippits on Facebook 🙂 Welcome home!