Today’s thankful post is going to be a random list of things. These are things I am truly thankful for, but I don’t know if I could write individual blog posts about each of them, honestly.
I am thankful for…
- Coffee — my usual morning cups have stevia and sugar free creamer of some sort. Yum.
- Fresh clean sheets on the bed — best sleep EVER when it’s fresh sheet night.
- Cinnamon gum — I love that stuff.
- iPhone — Go ahead, call me a nerd – I can take it. I like my iPhone.
- Facebook — Again, I’m okay with being a nerd. FB has allowed me to keep connected with family and friends that live all over the world.
- My girls’ artwork — I love seeing their creativity blossom.
- Good music — Can’t say enough about the way music moves me.
- A good sale — Anyone that knows me knows that a good deal rocks my world.
- Cowgirl boots — In my opinion, they never go out of style and I just love ’em.
- Getting mail — We are coming up on my favorite mail season because we will soon get lots of beautiful cards. Love love love getting mail! (Also love getting packages in the mail. Might as well keep it real.)
I’ll end it there for now. Expect another list soon because the randomosity of my life is quite worthy of thanks. I know I am blessed from the smallest of details to the greatest of joys.
Have an awesome day, y’all…
Be blessed,
What kind of sugar free creamer do you use in your coffee?
Sabre — I have been successful in finding sugar free caramel macchiato and pumpkin spice, as far as “seasonal” flavors. Typically, I stick to sugar free vanilla or hazelnut. I mostly use International Delight or Coffee Mate.
I use sugar-free vanilla and hazelnut, mostly. International Delights. When I can find it, I get sugar free pumpkin spice or caramel macchiato.