Since Macey has a soccer tournament this weekend and that is where we will be spending quite a lot of time as a family, I am taking today to be thankful for her. Today’s thankful post is about Macey, but there will be one on Mariana soon to come.
Day 3: Macey
Mickey and I moved to Southeast Alabama in the early fall of 2002. We were coming up on our first anniversary at that point and he had taken a job at a church as their assistant youth director and web guy. Not long after we moved there, we found out we were expecting our first miracle. My pregnancy with her was really great. I am one of those that actually enjoyed being pregnant and, trust me, I never did take that for granted. Okay, fine — I didn’t at all enjoy the first trimester, but the rest was good. Promise.
In July 2003, my lifelong dream and prayer of becoming a mom came true. Macey was born on a Tuesday afternoon and came into this world with a head full of dark hair. It’s so hard to put into words just how magical and amazing the birth of a child really is. I remember just wanting to hear Macey’s “voice” when she was born – that cry was music to my ears. I could not wait to get that baby girl into my arms. Mickey and I finally got to meet our beautiful baby girl and the experience was completely and utterly awesome. When I got to hold her, have skin to skin time with her and feed her — good gracious, it was almost more than my heart could contain.
It seems like I blinked and, here we are, nine years and change later. That roly-poly beautiful baby girl of our’s has become a beautiful fourth grader. These days Macey is into playing soccer, creating art projects, reading the Harry Potter series, taking piano lessons, singing in the school Chorus and playing outside. She has a sprinkling of freckles on her face and makes glasses look good. Her favorite colors are pink and green. Give her a roll of duct tape and the girl can create basically anything. She excels in school and is loving fourth grade. She has lots of friends and is known for being kind to everyone. Macey is somewhat of a quiet type, but we are learning more and more than she isn’t so much shy as she is reserved and quiet. Trust me when I say that at home, she isn’t quiet at all. Mickey leads the girls in Bible study and I love to her hear answers and perspectives. She has great insights. She doesn’t admit it much these days, but she really loves her little sister and is an awesome big sis at least 98% of the time. ((wink wink)) She is a champion snuggler/cuddle bug and always has been. I could go on for days, believe me, but I think the easiest way to sum up for now is to say that since the minute she was born, Macey has been our sunshine girl. She brings so much joy into our lives.
I am thankful that God allowed us to have both of our girls. I thank God for entrusting both of our girls to our care because we know that more than they will ever be our’s, they are first and foremost His. All my life I knew I wanted to be a mom and I am so thankful that God so richly blessed me with the opportunity to be a mommy to two precious girls. Macey is our first baby – our first chance to experience that love like none other. The three of us had a lot of firsts together and she has taught us so much in her nine years. My heart just overflows with gratitude and love for these precious girls.
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him ~ Psalm 127:3
Be blessed, y’all…
Newborn Baby Macey with her daddy:
Our soccer girl getting ready for a great game:
I remember sitting around the computer showing the girls pictures of “Baby Macey.” We were all so excited to catch a glimpse of the new baby! Kelly, it really doesn’t seem like 9+ years…I’ve enjoyed every moment! I am so thankful that you and I were able to share so much of our life experiences from miles away….there is nothing like the journey through motherhood! Love you!
Doesn’t it seem like yesterday?? I’m telling you, it’s just surreal how fast time goes. And, you know that as well as me, girl. ((sniff)) Thanks for being there to listen and give me mommy (and other) advice along this journey. Love you!