Coffee with Kel

Go Beyond Awareness

So, today is September 30. Which, can we just take a second and reflect on how quickly September passed by us? Or was that just me? Seriously, September got up out in a hurry. Whew! The girls had a (glorious) week long break from school in mid-September, so that surely contributed to the swiftness of the days ticking off, I’m sure. Anyway. It’s almost gone now, only hours left. And, thus will end “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month” for 2014. BUT, it doesn’t have to stop here, y’all. Awareness is okay, but  it’s really not enough. Let’s help by going beyond aware and doing more. How? Well, I’m of limited knowledge, admittedly, but I do know of some ways to help and I’m glad to share info about some amazing pediatric cancer support non-profits that I know of and know to be fully on the level with all that they do.

First of all, some stats from

Sobering, right? I mean, really — it just socks me in the gut every time I read those statistics. And, those are just SOME of the stats. These statistics also don’t show the amazing faces and lives that go along with pediatric cancer. Those kids are beyond precious and more needs to be done for them.

Another stat that really gets to me is that less than 5% of all federal cancer research funding goes into pediatric cancer research. LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT. That’s just not okay, in my opinion. These kids need research funded for a cure. This lack of federal funding is a big motivating factor for me, personally, to feel compelled to donate to non-profit agencies that help pediatric cancer patients and their families and also help to provide much needed research money. Some of the organizations I recommend for you to check out AND donate to are:

Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation

CURE Childhood Cancer

Curing Kids Cancer

Rally Foundation 

St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital 

Also, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has a Stop Childhood Cancer Alliance page with links to other charitable organizations that aid in the fight against childhood cancers.

Let me say this too, EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. It really does. Whether you have ten bucks or a million, the money helps. This is a lesson that we’ve been teaching our own girls as we encourage them to donate, as well. They have chosen to donate to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, Georgia Chapter and have seen firsthand that even kids can donate and every bit is for the good for those that need it.

So, please — let’s don’t just be aware. Let’s be active. Odds are, you know a child that’s been affected by cancer. Maybe it’s your own child. Or maybe, like me, you’ve known and loved many that have had to be valiant warriors against horrible cancers at young ages. I don’t think any of us will go through this life not knowing a pediatric cancer patient. The statistics are staggering and I just really feel strongly that we can all pull together to help make a positive difference. If you feel lead, and I hope you do, please make a donation to one of the non-profits I listed. And, hey, if you feel further lead, do it regularly. Get involved with these agencies. Let’s get behind these kids and their families and show them that they are not in this alone. Let’s beat this cancer beast down. TOGETHER, WE CAN HELP FIND A CURE!



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