Two blog posts in two days. Say WHAT?! I’m certainly not willing to say I’ll post every day for long periods of time, but this is a pretty decent start to reviving the old blog.
NYE 2015 was a pretty fun evening. Typically, the fam stays up and I go to bed because I am a go-to-bed-early girl (ask ANYONE I know) and I’ve always said the new year was coming in with or without me, so I could ring it in behind my eyelids, thankyouverymuch. With that thought and plan in mind, we made plans to head out to the square for dinner and then catch the 7pm ball drop. Right here and now I’m owning my wimpiness because I don’t do late and I don’t dig big crowds. So, this seemed ideal because it would get us out of the house for a bit AND I could be in PJs fairly early. Win/win! And, it really turned out to be a fun plan. We had a great dinner and then did some cute and fun stuff around the square before the drop was to happen at 7pm. Here’s our family in a selfie just before the drop:
(Side note/question: WHY do my side bangs separate lately?! Dude.)
Just before 7pm, the countdown started and DOWN rained stuffed Chick-Fil-A cows. I am totally not making this up. It happened. If I’m being completely honest, it was fairly anticlimactic, but…whatever, we made the drop. HAPPY NEW YEAR…in England! Cheers!! And, off we scurried to head home. It was colder than we anticipated and we didn’t want to fight crowds, so we got up out and I’m not even remotely ashamed that we were home by 7:20pm.
The rest of our evening consisted of much vegging, watching “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” and catching some of NY Rockin’ Eve. I did NOT anticipate making midnight, but once the movie was over and it was almost 11, I knew I had to suck it up, buttercup. So, I did. I made midnight. Barely. HAPPY NEW YEAR again…this time in Georgia! And, off to bed. YES!
I had every intention of sleeping LATE this morning, but I woke up at 8-something or other and only snoozed slightly past. One thing nobody really tells you about being over 40 is that sleeping in really isn’t as easy as it used to be for a whole lot of reasons. But, there’s coffee in the house AND we can still have stevia and creamer since Whole 30 hasn’t started yet, so I was motivated to mosey on downstairs and start my day. Plus, being up before the girls gave Mickey and me some time to commandeer the WiiU and play some Mario Kart this morning. He dominates that doggone game, man. No joke. He has no shame in kicking my tail, but I digress. It was pretty cool just to have some mindless video game fun, just the two of us.
Macey got moving and we eventually poked the bear out of hibernation — I mean, we woke Mariana. We met up with our friends, Helen, Chris and Lewis for brunch at Goldberg’s. Remember how I posted about experiencing firsts this year? Well, I did one today. I had never had a latke before, but I had a couple with brunch today. Seriously delish! Good food and great company started our New Years Day off just right!! Came home and tried to nap, but I had a nap fail which annoys me because WHO FLUNKS AT NAPPING BESIDES ME?! For the love. Got up and did very little of anything for about an hour and then I prepared our traditional southern New Years meal. We had pork (well, not me — the fam. I don’t dig the pig.), turnips/mustard greens, black-eyed peas, macaroni and cheese and cornbread. Yea, it rocked.
Had a little family round of Mario Kart after our meal. Mickey is seriously shameless, y’all, and beat the stuffin’ out of the girls and me. No shame in his game. While that was going on, I had peanut butter cup brownies in the oven, so we had those after he outraced the girls and me. We decided to watch another movie and went with High School Musical. How in the world did this movie come out ten years ago already?! Gah. Unreal. But, hey, it’s campy fun and it was an easy watch.
So, that’s our day. 2016 is off to a great start. Although, if you spend your year, per wives tale, doing what you’ve done all day on the First, we are going to be lazy slugs this year. Just keepin’ it real. But, no…really, we did have a low key day, but it was a great day. Family time, friend time, good food — well, that’s just what we needed.
Here’s to 2016 — may it be kind to us all. As I posted on my FB a couple of years ago and again today, let’s embrace the good times, share the burden of hard times and love all the time!
So cute 🙂 remember all the hours we played Mario cart back in the day? So much fun!