Hey, y’all!
Once again, I’m dusting the cobwebs off the old blog. Only this time, it’s with a revamp. Not only have I changed the name of the blog, but the layout is new also (thanks, honey) and I truly do hope and plan to keep the content more updated.
Coffee With Kel is not only the newly minted name of my blog, but it’s also reflective of my mission to connect with people. If you know me, I’m a people person. I just flat out love people. I have recently discovered that I do have some introvert tendencies blended in with my extrovert ways, but that’s a post for another day. (Note to self: add to the post ideas list.) Since I enjoy building relationships and fostering friendships AND there’s the calling I feel to be an encourager to others, I decided that this blog could very well be a great outlet for all of that. If you know me, you’ll know that I am a girl who loves some coffee – especially first thing in the morning. I’m pretty sure that what motivates me to get moving as much as not wanting the girls to be tardy for school is knowing I can get a cup of coffee when I get to the kitchen. It just starts my day out in such a comforting and familiar way. So, I started thinking about how cool it would be if the blog were like a coffee house of sort – a welcome gathering place. Just like THAT…an idea was born.
When I first started kicking around the idea in my head, mulling it over mostly just before I went to sleep because that’s when my brain has to think ALL the thoughts, of course, I felt excited and also a little nervous. After all, I haven’t been the most consistent blogger there ever was by a WAY long shot. But, the more I pondered it, the more ideas came to mind for blog posts and sharing. I started to keep ideas in the notepad on my phone. I started to think — okay, I think this can happen. So, I talked to Mickey about it and he was all over the idea. So, I kept brainstorming and coming up with concepts and such. He bought the domain names, got the new theme set up, etc. So, here we are…on the verge of something almost brand new. It’s a work in progress and I hope you’ll come along with me on this journey and share if you feel so lead. My prayer is that this blog will be uplifting, encouraging, good for some laughs, and, really, I pray that you find kinship here.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE…
1 Corinthians 13:13
I look be your idea Kelly!!! I thought think it will be amazing and fin!
Thank you so much, Mindi!!