Coffee with Kel

What Are You…Wednesday

Here we are again — it’s “What Are You…Wednesday” again. Wasn’t it JUST Wednesday something like two days ago?! I don’t know about y’all, but the weeks in this year so far are ticking off rather quickly around here. Not that I mind because winter weeks go ZIP by and get us to spring and summer, please and thank you. (*wink) In all reality, I have very little complaining that I can legitimately hold up this winter because other than a random snow/ice storm, it hasn’t been THAT cold. As odd as it seems to say this, I wouldn’t mind another cold snap to kill off some bugs and such, but, at the same time, I won’t gripe about not having to wear a coat much.

What are you eating?

As I posted on Friday, I’m walking more these days and have challenged myself to get a quarter million steps this month and a MILLION steps before our annual beach trip after school gets out for the summer. To go along with that, I’m trying to eat better by cutting out snacking, trying to limit carbs…that kind of thing. I must admit that Sunday, being Super Bowl Sunday and all, was a total cheat day. And, I’ve been a tad lenient with myself this week too, so I’ve got to tighten up the reigns, but I am getting my steps in daily, so that’s working in the right direction. (I almost said “a step in the right direction”, but that sounded incredibly corny. Right?) Mickey’s got a spreadsheet set up for us to track our steps and, as of yesterday, I’m over 90k steps, so far, for this month. Can I get a witness, y’all?! Within a couple of days, I should be more than halfway to my quarter million steps for February goal. Woo hoo! If you’re working on a similar goal, how’s it coming?

Today’s “What are you…” question is “What are you eating?” What’s on the menu these days?

What are y’all eating these days? I’m always in the market for great recipes and ideas, especially if you have some fabulous low carb meal ideas to share.

Happy Wednesday,


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