I’ve been wanting to get back into a better blogging habit for awhile now. Life has been busy, but when is that NOT the case? So, no excuses, but hopefully I can get it rolling better again, especially because I have a post series that has been on my mind for quite awhile now – “What’s a 2 To Do?”
If you’re familiar with the Enneagram, then you’ll at least have an idea what I mean when I refer to myself as “a 2.” More specifically, I’m a 2 wing 3, but I’ll dive more into that later in the series. First, let’s get into some Enneagram basics just to cover the bases.
What IS the Enneagram?
In my own words – essentially, the Enneagram is a personality typing method. We are all born with unique personality types and have traits associated with each type. The Enneagram has nine defined types and every individual fits more solidly into one of these, typically with a “wing” to an adjacent number. (Note: wings are always adjacent, so you can’t be, say a 2 wing 7.) I will provide links at the end of this post so that you can research more if you want to do that. (For more info, click HERE for Truity’s Enneagram description page. Very Well Mind also has this description page.)
How do I find out my Enneagram number?
There are LOTS of online tests for this. I take free ones because, well…it’s free and why not? You can search and find various tests online too. I found this one from Eclectic Energies to be a good one and it was accurate for me. I recommend the “Classical Enneagram” test on this site.
If you take a test and the results don’t seem at ALL like what you believe yourself to be, take another test on another site. I once took a test that gave me a result as a “1” which is a perfectionist. And, no…that’s not me and I know it. That being said, if it’s not the result you WANT, but is accurate then that’s a learning tool as well. But if you just know it’s obviously inaccurate then I would say take another test elsewhere online.
Why should I know my Enneagram number?
I came late to the Enneagram game. I kept hearing about it and I thought – eh, doesn’t sound like anything for me. I will just admit that sometimes when thing are super popular at any given time, I will avoid them purposefully. I don’t know why, I just do. For instance, I still haven’t seen Hamilton in its entirety because it was just such a rage that I purposefully avoided it during the craze. I caught act one on Disney+, but that was WAY after it was crazy popular for ages. And, yes…I still need to catch act two. I will. Promise. What I’ve seen of it really IS good. I just had to get over myself and my avoidance of things that blow up in popularity.
Anyway, as I was saying, I came late to the game. But, I finally dove in a few years ago and I am so glad I did! finding out my Enneagram type has really helped me recognize where I have strengths and where I could use some help in being healthy within my type. That’s why I’m starting this blog series, actually. Being a 2 means I’m a helper by nature and us 2s can be givers to the extreme. I’m learning how to be my best be my authentic helper self, with a strong side of 3 achievement too, but also stay healthy within that. As we all know, it’s a balance and if I can recognize and work on positive things about my personality traits while working to keep healthy boundaries within that everyone wins, including me.
I believe that everyone could benefit from learning their Enneagram number, but, more importantly, diving into the traits within that number. We are NOT defined by this number, let’s be clear about that. As I mentioned above, I find it helpful to have this insight into how to be both strong and healthy within my personality traits.
If I’m not a 2, what can I get from this blog series?
One hope I have in doing a deeper dive into looking into my two-ness, so to speak, is that I can encourage others to deeper dive into your own personality traits. While I’m guessing some of you out there who are also 2s may resonate a little more strongly with my posts, I also hope that it’ll encourage others as well. Once we identify our personality types via the Enneagram, I genuinely believe it is a powerful tool that can help find your strengths and address challenges within your own number(s) so you can find your happy, healthy space too.
What are some good Enneagram resources?
I admit that I am FAR from an Enneagram expert, so I remain thankful for the multitude of wonderful resources out there to help us learn and understand more. Here are a few resources to check out:
- The Road Back to You (Disclaimer: I have not yet read this book, but I have heard nothing but GREAT things about it. It’s on my “to read” list.)
- The Enneagram Institute
- Annie F Downs’ That Sounds Fun Podcast – there is an EnneaSummer series she’s done for the last few summers where she interviews people from every Enneagram number. It’s very enlightening and I highly recommend this series!
So, here we go, y’all. The blog is officially dusted off and I’ve now committed myself to seeing this series into existence. I hope you’ll join me here for this journey and, hopefully, discover more about your own awesomeness in the process.
I’m thinking this sounds sort of along the same lines as the Myers-Briggs. I’ll have to check it out. Good to see you blogging again!
I think I did the M-B test years ago, I can’t recall though. As I mentioned, I was fairly late to the Enneagram game. But, learning more about my type and my wing has really helped me see how I can grow by learning more about my strengths and challenges.
Thanks for the encouragement, Keely!
I’m a 6w5. So not the normally social 6, but the more introverted version. Which I find some of what they say about the 6 true, but eh, not 100%.
A couple of years ago, my manager had us take the Strengths Finder Test and it was eerily accurate.
I love learning more about my friends’ personality types. Maybe try a different online test and see what your result is there? The first one I ever took gave me the result of being a 1 which is a perfectionist. I just laughed and laughed. I love the perfectionists in my life, but that is NOT me.