It’s a GORGEOUS spring morning here! Both girls are at preschool this morning, so I decided that the house-cleaning could wait and I went out for a great walk this morning. I took my sweet little hot pink iPod shuffle and set out on a walk. I wound up going longer and farther than I had intended to do when I first set out, but it felt GREAT! I walked just over 2.5 miles in 40 minutes. Certainly not the quickest pace ever, but still pretty decent considering the hilly terrain around here. 😉 I’m home now and I’m pumped. What a great way to start the day!
Prayers for Kenya Mission
Our church just had a mission team depart for Kwambekenya, Kenya yesterday. They will be there performing God’s outreach until April 26th. It is my honor and privilege to be a Prayer Partner here at home for those who are serving in Africa. I had hoped to go on a mission trip to Africa this year as I feel God is laying a calling on my heart for me to serve there. But, for me, this is not the year. Still, I can do my part here at home by remembering the mission team and those they are serving in prayer. If you feel so lead, please join me as I pray over them all.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Mark 16:15 (NIV)
Circuit City Friends & Family Spring Sale
Click here for the Friends & Family sale coupon page for Circuit City. This sale ends on Saturday, April 19th.
Christian Book Sale
Sweet Caroline, Low Country Series #1
I just noticed that Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck is on sale at Christian Book! For a limited time, this great book is only $5.99 plus shipping/handling!
I reviewed Sweet Caroline a couple of weeks ago. It is a GREAT read! I highly recommend it, so don’t miss out on this great deal!
Weight Loss Challenge – Week One
Last week I posted about the One Month Weight Loss Challenge I am participating in online. Well, it began this past Monday. So far, so good!
I’m following Weight Watchers again because I love the program and I know it works! What inspires me the most about Weight Watchers is that it is NOT a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. I know that sounds sort of cliched to say, but it’s true. It’s not a diet because on the Flex Plan, I can eat anything I want to as long as I account for the Points. This means that breads, sweets, etc. aren’t off-limits. YAY! It’s been an adjustment reducing my daily caloric intake, but I know that the first several days are the most difficult for me and I’m hanging in there.
I’m also increasing my water in-take and that has been another challenge for me, but it’s a challenge I’m happy to say that I’m meeting head-on. I am not a water drinker by nature, but I am getting better about it. Yesterday I bought two things that are helping with my water consumption. They are:
I love this pitcher because now I can have fresh, cold water any time I want it! I had been buying cases of bottled water, but I felt pretty guilty about that because I know the plastic winds up in the landfill and takes up space there forever. So, I decided yesterday to get the Brita and reuse the plastic bottles we have around the house. It’s a great solution! This pitcher is definitely a worthy investment. For only $20, I have months of fresh water! The filters aren’t costly to replace either. Can’t beat that!
Kellogg’s All-Bran Fiber Drink Mix in Pink Lemonade
My best friend Terri told me about this drink mix and I couldn’t wait to try it. It only has 20 calories per serving and has 10 grams of dietary fiber! That means it has no Weight Watcher Points! Awesome! The best thing is that it tastes great. So, I can get my fiber and my water in one sweet package. This is one of the best new products out there if you ask me. I have been recommending it all over the place! YUM!
My first weigh-in is this coming Monday. I hope to have lost at least two pounds by then. Maybe a little more. I’m excited about this and I know the results will come as long as I exercise and stick to Weight Watchers. Again…wish me luck. 😉